Make decarbonisation of existing buildings a reliable, attractive investment
Solutions and technologies for the uptake of deep energy renovation processes
What is StepUP?
Deep renovation is a key action to drastically reduce energy demand and achieve the EU vision of a decarbonised building stock by 2050. However, only 1% of European buildings are being renovated yearly and shallow retrofits persist with low impact on energy consumption.
The StepUP project has developed new technologies and solutions to make building renovation more attractive and affordable.
To achieve this, StepUP used continuous feedback loops and promoted an iterative deep energy renovation approach, based on data insights, which minimised performance gaps, reduced investment risks, minimised disruption and positively impacted on energy costs, Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and comfort.


Make renovation more attractive and reliable
New methodology based on near-real time data intelligence

Reduce the performance gap
<10% by developing an integrated life-cycle software platform

Minimise time on site
Cut 40% of current renovation onsite work by creating market-ready modular renovation technologies

Optimise renovation investments
Innovative financial models

Accelerate the renovation market
Interoperability protocol for renovation solutions
Cost-effective deep energy renovation technologies
Plug & Play Envelope System
Pre-assembled envelope panel integrating windows and provisions for the technical systems
Plug & Play Heat solution
Groundbreaking technology for flexible consumption of thermal energy monitored and optimised through StepUP data tools
Innovative financing tools for deep renovation
Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) based on co-investment, continuous performance measurement and management
Software tools and platform for data collection
Data intelligence solutions to generate a sound base for the continuous measurement and verification of the renovation
News & Events
StepUP plug & play façade presented at a workshop on construction management
StepUP plug & play façade presented at a workshop on construction management Read More »
StepUP project results disseminated at the SDEWES Conference
StepUP project results disseminated at the SDEWES Conference Read More »
Flexible cooling & heating solution deployed in two sites for greater energy efficiency
Flexible cooling & heating solution deployed in two sites for greater energy efficiency Read More »

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
This website reflects only the author’s views. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.