Video library

Video Library
This area will contain all videos produced by the StepUP.
StepUP videos
StepUP - Deep energy renovation solutions
StepUP Plug & Play facade assembly
StepUP Plug & Play facade timelapse
Mechanical test of the P&P envelope system
StepUP Pilots
StepUP Pamplona Pilot - Assembly of Plug & Play façade modules in R&D facilities
StepUP Budapest Pilot - Assembly of Plug & Play façade modules for deep energy renovation
StepUP Budapest Pilot - Plug & Play envelope and heating solution
StepUP - Zöld Liget Kindergarten 18th District Budapest Pilot Meetup
Partners interviews
StepUP closing conference
StepUP events
StepUP workshop - Visiting the Spanish project's pilot located at the facilities of the University of Navarra
Webinar - Energy Performance Contracting in combination with innovative deep building renovation
Spanish webinar - Descarbonización de edificios mediante soluciones Plug&Play
Webinar - Designing deep renovation for the decarbonisation of the EU building stock
Presentation of StepUP in events
Upgraded Buildings Conference 2021
NSB Conference 2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
This website reflects only the author’s views. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.