The StepUP project was represented during the REBUILD Congress, the leading innovation event for building industry, celebrated from 19th – 21st of March in IFEMA-Madrid (Spain).
Project’s partners from Eurecat attended the event and showcased StepUP as one of its key European projects developing innovative solutions and technologies to transform the energy market and increase the rate of renovation across Europe, by promoting a deep renovation and decarbonisation of existing buildings.
The StepUP project has developed Plug & Play technologies supporting retrofitting processes to real-world project pilots, providing actionable insights for derisking investments and maximising benefits.
During the event, the closing event of the project has been promoted. The conference, taking place next 24th of April, will unveil innovative approaches, digital tools and plug & play technologies for deep renovation, to contribute to the decarbonization of existing buildings and contribute towards achieving the EU’s 2050 decarbonization objectives.
REBUILD, the National Congress of Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0, showcased the latest materials and solutions, emerging technologies and the most innovative construction systems.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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