The StepUP concept
Make renovation more attractive and reliable
At the core of the StepUP project resides an incremental, iterative renovation methodology that aims to cover every phase of the renovation process to make each step more effective.

An iterative, holistic methodology
Evaluate the building status
Establish the baseline by collecting data on energy performance, comfort, IEQ
Define needs and priorities
Understand the main drivers for renovation from building owners and occupants feedback
Set up the renovation process
identify appropriate design patterns and intervention scenarios and involve the key stakeholders
Assess renovation scenarios
Evaluate the impact of various options against needs and priorities
Identify key Energy Conservation Measures
Choose a set of high value interventions for the current iteration
Choose Plug&Play technologies
Identify which interoperable solutions satisfy the requirements of each ECM for the iteration
Deploy interventions
Carry out installations and other onsite work to deploy the Energy Conservation Measures
Optimise building operation
Monitor and adjust the ECMs and the overall building performance through feedback loops
Project Progress
Status of StepUP
Engagement activities

On site meetups
Meeting the community in the pilots

Sandpits for innovation
Bring experts together to generate innovative concepts

Skill build-up open days
Train experts and installers to use the StepUP solutions

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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