Main Outcomes

Visual materials
The main results of the StepUP project will be summarised in a library of informational factsheets for easy engagement.

Video library
A set of short videos will be produced to present key StepUP concepts and uploaded to a dedicated YouTube channel.

Public reports
All public reports will be published on this website for in-depth access to project outputs.
Project Library

Public Reports
Documents published as deliverables by the StepUP consortium throughout the project life.
Give us your feedback!
We would be grateful to receive your comments and opinions on our work

Visual Materials
All visual materials will be made available in this section as they are developed.
Factsheet - Data infrastructure requirements for the StepUP methodology

Video Library
This area will contain all videos produced by the StepUP consortium.
Plug & Play facade timelapse
Presentation of StepUP in events

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
This website reflects only the author’s views. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.