Partners from ABUD present the StepUP methodology during the SBE22 Delft Conference

The StepUP project was presented during the SBE Regional Conference “Innovations for the Urban Energy Transition” celebrated from 11th to 13th of October in Delft (The Netherlands).
Melinda Orova, project’s partner and senior consultant at ABUD – Advanced Building & Urban Design, participated in the conference and delivered the presentation “Improved methodology for affordable, reliable deep building renovations”, introducing the methodology development process behind StepUP.
The presentation delivered by Melinda Orova had the objective to introduce the novel methodology developed by StepUP, a European project aimed at optimising deep renovation processes for the decarbonisation of the European building stock in order to increase renovation rates. In addition, the presentation included an explanation of the methodology development process including how technical, financial and social challenges can be turned into objectives and then into design criteria.
Melinda Orova during her presentation
Improved methodology for affordable, reliable deep building renovations
The methodology development process was focused on identifying the methodological background, the phases and steps of the renovation process and the validation strategies. As a result, five methodological phases have been identified: the feasibility phase, the preparation phase, the design phase, the implementation phase and the operation phase.
Find out more about the methodology in this article.
The SBE Regional conference brought together professionals and researchers to discuss about the implementation of leading-edge solutions to some of the greatest societal challenges around energy transition in the building sector.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847053.
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